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About On the way to PlanetProof


Certification scheme Plant Products



Making sustainable choices has become more important to companies and consumers. With that, the Interest in the sustainability impact of products is increasing and is considered in purchasing decisions, for example in Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), by buyers from supermarkets or the consumer.  Products with the On the way to PlanetProof quality label meet that demand by being proven to be more sustainable; the quality label is the ‘proof’. Read more about the trustworthy of the label below.

Top quality label  

The ‘Keurmerkenwijzer‘, a guide for quality labels, is an initiative of Milieu Centraal, an independent Dutch information organization. Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality, all quality labels and company logos have been examined. In the Keurmerkenwijzer you can find out what they stand for and how reliable they are. On the way to PlanetProof has high scores on ambition, transparency, and reliability and is, therefore, one of the 12 top quality labels in the field of food according to Milieu Centraal.

Strict requirements 

SMK develops and manages certification schemes containing the extra-statutory requirements that On the way to PlanetProof certificate holders must meet. A whole process precedes the development of such a scheme. With, for example, feasibility studies, input from supervisory committees and assessment by Boards of Experts. A public hearing in which questions can be asked is also part of the standard development process.

The sustainability requirements in the schemes are periodically evaluated to see whether they are still up-to-date and whether it can be made more sustainable.


Farmers, horticulturists, traders and retailers only receive a certificate if they meet the requirements of the On the way to PlanetProof scheme for their product group. These certification schemes are public.


SMK is a non-profit organisation and cooperates with experts, Boards of Experts, committees and certification bodies. These independent certification bodies check the certificate holders.

The certification schemes of On the way to PlanetProof and the certification bodies that award the quality label, are supervised by the Dutch Accreditation Council. This is an institution that audits in an expert, independent and impartial manner.

Did you know that accreditation literally means giving confidence?



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