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About On the way to PlanetProof


Certification scheme Plant Products


Flowers, plants & trees

Among other things, Holland is known for its beautiful bulb fields. The ornamental plant cultivation sector is, therefore, the 3rd expert sector of our country. Horticulture includes flowers, bulbs, trees, and plants. Cultivation has an impact on the environment, particularly using chemical pesticides and herbicides. A conscious choice in garden centers and stores can help to reduce this impact. The On the Way to PlanetProof cultivation of flowers, trees, and plants complies with strict requirements. This makes them a more sustainable choice for nature, climate, and animals.

Curious about what the certificate holders are doing to achieve this?

Horticulturists ensure that they:

  • use or generate green energy;
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
  • keep water clean;
  • Use fertilizers intelligently;
  • prevent soil erosion.


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Natural control 

In addition to growing flowers, plants, and trees for us, the certificate holders do this for animals around the nursery. The farmers and horticulturists create flowering herb and/or flower borders around the land and ensure that there are enough nests and hiding places for birds, insects, and hedgehogs. Both measures contribute to the biodiversity of the environment. This is important because it reduces the risk of pests and diseases. For example, certain types of insects are nature’s cleaners. Did you know that spiders eat other, smaller critters to keep nature in balance and the soil healthy?

Sustainable bunch of flowers 

Farmers and horticulturists with the On the way to PlanetProof label limit light pollution in their greenhouses by using energy-efficient lamps and light shields. Moreover, certificate holders use only green energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and the greenhouse is heated via a heat recovery system from drying and ventilation air and underfloor heating.

A fertile soil 

For crops to grow well, fertile and healthy soil is important. For example, tree growers work on soil quality by growing Marigold flowers after the trees are harvested and before new trees are planted. Healthy soil depends on active soil life. Growers can promote this by preventing soil erosion and incorporating organic materials like compost into the soil.

Clean water 

Clean water is of course very important for our environment. On the Way to PlanetProof encourages horticulturists and farmers to reuse water as much as possible and keep it as clean as possible. They do this by preventing crop protection agents and fertilizers from ending up in groundwater, ditches, and rivers.

The horticulturists and farmers also collect rainwater which they can later use to water their crops.

Are you going to buy a bunch of flowers or a beautiful plant? Choose products with the label On the way to PlanetProof.

Check out these sectors as well: 

Arable crops, fruits and vegetables

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